Wednesday 25 March 2009

We are braving the weather for the cause

Today is my first proper filming day because the first filming session, i was absent due to a ear infection, so i had to go to the GP to get some prescriptions that would clear this up as soon as possible. the second filming session was a disaster as it took me Fozia and Krisztina (Qiu-ling was absent due to Chinese New Year) over an hour to reach our filming location which was a cemetery in newington green due to traffic and road works. When we arrived we discovered that Fozia had left the tape back at college, it wasnt big deal because we knew Fozia was a hard worker, so the time lost we would swiftly make up with extra filming sessions.

Well after two large snowstorms the college was closed 2nd & 3rd of february. So today, which is the wednedsday, was my first filming session. Although not many groups went out because the snow had not yet propely melted. The Specific Plan was to show Fozia entering the grave yard and get match cuts of her making her way to a grave, in this we used a a variety of shots; point of view; over the shoulder; medium long shot and when she was at the grave to get a close up of her removing the petels one by one, then still in close up, her turing her hand into a fist. I was especially happy with how three of my shots turned out, the 1st was a medium long shot of Fozia walking the down the footpath, what made it good was fresh snow on the graves and the sunlight that caught the edge of the camera creating a flash of lasting light across the camera, another point was how the gravestones obsecured the view i had of Fozia, this created a mysterious dracula like effect as she was there and gone in a second. The second was a stationary extreme long shot, filming fozia coming of the footpath and turing towards the camera then walking past it, this was good because the melting muddy snow and the sun shining down on it created a solarized effect, of which i must say i didnt plan but came as a great addition

Overall today was a success as we accomplished everything we set out to do. And as a added bonus the fresh snow, melting snow and the sunlight improved the mise en scene and made some of the shots look like a professional effect.

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